Supporting school place planning for Tameside Metropolitan Borough Council
Tameside Metropolitan Borough Council identified a requirement for the derivation of new pupil yield evidence, for inclusion in the edge-ucate model and to support wider strategic decision-making.
Tameside Metropolitan Borough Council uses Edge Analytics’ edge-ucate school place planning capabilities to provide a comprehensive forecasting and reporting capability for mainstream schools, planning areas, wards and towns in Tameside. Primary and secondary pupil product ratios (PPRs) are a key component of the edge-ucate model, applied to housing growth forecasts to derive an associated pupil yield.
The council required new pupil yield evidence, both for inclusion in the edge-ucate model and to support wider strategic decision-making.
Edge Analytics used property statistics and school census data to identify the pupil impact of a sample of new housing development sites across Tameside. Using additional evidence relating to housing type, tenure and home movers, Edge derived a range of pupil yield assumptions for the alternative site categories.
Alongside this analysis, Edge also produced a population forecast for wards in Tameside, providing an alternative perspective on pupil yield expectations linked to planned new housing.
This analysis was provided to the council in a report, which summarised the evidence for each site and provided recommendations for the use of primary and secondary PPR evidence to inform pupil forecasts.