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Building a regional profile of consumer vulnerability for Northern Powergrid

Northern Powergrid delivers electricity to around 3.8 million customers, covering approximately 25,000 square kilometres over 35 local authorities in the North East and Yorkshire and the Humber.

The energy industry has been increasingly focused on ensuring that, during any interruptions to normal services, energy supplies are maintained, particularly to vulnerable consumers. In line with Ofgem’s annual monitoring programme on consumer vulnerability, Northern Powergrid enlisted Edge Analytics to help provide inside into customers’ health and socio-economic challenges across the 35 local authority areas.


Edge Analytics identified a total of 30 key indicators of consumer vulnerability, using these to build a profile of customers across the region and benchmark these findings against the rest of England.

The analysis identified areas where consumer vulnerability was especially prevalent, highlighting key areas of consideration for Northern Powergrid as it refines and targets its critical consumer vulnerability strategies.

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